If it were a bar on Deep Space Nine the problem would be much easier to circumvent. Will they turn and put a friendly arm around you and embrace you as a long-lost brother, or will you be bundled onto the street to fight for your honour? Tricky beasts, humans.

You never know quite where you are with humans, do you? Accidentally bump into one in a pub and whether you spill their pint or not, you can’t ever really tell what might happen, despite how close together their eyes or how pendulous their earlobes. Totally Games eagerly boasts that each battle will provide 'Dramatic combat with large capital ships possessing significant firepower but limited manoeuvrability that will require smart weapon management and skillful manoeuvring to defeat your enemy.’ Star Trek fans should start getting excited now, because Bridge Commander is beginning to look more appealing than Seven of Nine in a skintight Lycra catsuit. Weaknesses which can be exploited to you or the enemy’s advantage. Totally Games claims the finished product will feature 'The most accurate ship models ever in a Star Trek space sim, painstakingly recreated with materials taken directly from Paramount Archives,’ which means fans can be assured of total authenticity.īattles will be hugely reliant on tactical knowledge, with each ship having its own strengths and Your crew include a first and second officer, helmsperson and engineering officer.

Taking the captain’s seat you’ll have to order your crew members around to make your ship the ultimate However, it seems that Totally Games has got its act together, because Bridge Commander is showing signs of being a game to keep a watchful eye on, both for die-hard Trekkies and action/strategy fans alike.
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For a while back there, Bridge Commander\ooked like it was teetering on the edge of existence, as mumblings about quality control wafted about the PC games industry.